Anemoss Marine Collection Seagul coasters made of natural stone
About this Item
- NATURSTEIN LIMRA: Die Glasuntersetzer bieten eine besondere Saugfähigkeit für Flüssigkeiten durch das Design aus natürlichem Limra-Stein und gleichzeitig bieten sie eine dauerhafte Struktur mit langfristiger Nutzung
- SCHUTZ GEGEN FLECKEN: Sowohl das Design als auch die Funktionalität der Untersetzer können Ihre Couchtische, Esstische und Schreibtische vor den Kratzern und Flecken von Tassen hinterlassen, hilft es sauber zu bleiben
- KORK-BASIS: Durch den Korkboden werden die Untersetzer, die ein Verrutschen verhindern und Sicherheit bieten, auf dem Tisch fixiert und verhindern Kratzer
- KÜNSTLER DESIGN: Für Liebhaberin des Meeres ist das Accessoire, das mit seinem von der Künstlerin Gamze Yalçın entworfenen Möwen-motiv die Aufmerksamkeit auf sich zieht, eine schöne Deko-Objekte
- PRODUKTMERKMALE: Größe eckig: 10X10 cm, Steinuntersetzer aus dem Natursteinmaterial Limra für Gläser und Tassen, pflegeleichte Oberfläche
Both the design and functionality of the coasters can protect your coffee tables, dining tables and desks from the scratches and stains of cups, helping to keep them clean.
Thanks to its design made of natural Limra limestone, the cup coaster offers additional absorbency against liquids and also ensures durability over long-term use.
Thanks to the cork base, the coasters, which prevent slipping and provide safety, are fixed to the table and prevent scratches.
The glass/table coaster protects tables from stains caused by hot drinks and condensation caused by cold drinks. In particular, the cup coaster, which prevents unwanted situations that can occur with overcrowded invitations, complements the stylish design of the glasses.
For lovers of the sea, the accessory, which attracts attention with its seagull motif designed by artist Gamze Yalçın, is a beautiful decorative object.
The cup mat, which can be used at home, on the balcony, in the garden or in the summer, but also in cafés and restaurants, has an easy-care surface and can be cleaned immediately with a damp cloth.
Not only will you want to use the design in your home, but you'll also want to have it at work and add color to your desk.
Stone coasters made from the natural stone material Limra
It doesn't slip because it is based on cork flooring.
Product dimensions: 10 x 10 cm.
The artistically designed stone coaster is a stylish and modern alternative to gift to your loved ones.
As this is a decorative product, it will create a pleasant atmosphere in your home.
Made in Turkiye.
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